Beyond the Pulpit
Each Sunday morning, we gather together – warm cup of coffee, great music, and an inspiring message from God’s Word. Our hearts cry out, “Yes! This is what I long for!”But what about Monday morning? When the cry of our hearts is more like “No,” “Maybe later,” or “Can I just get a break?”In this podcast, you’ll join Pastor Brent Snook, from First Baptist Church of Glen Este, as he shares his heart about the triumphs and the heartache that happen in the day-to-day grind. Together, we’ll discover life “BEYOND THE PULPIT.”
Beyond the Pulpit
Accepting One Another's Differences
Pastor Brent Snook
Season 2
Episode 5
In today's episode, Pastor Snook and his daughter Tiffany discuss this current sermon series entitled Strong Church.
One of the keys to a strong church is how the body of Christ interacts with one another. The Bible gives clear instructions through over 51 "one another" passages such as accepting one another, forgiving one another and supporting one another. Today's conversation will help each one of us live out the "one another" passages in order to build a strong church for God's glory.